GM Crops Safe For Consumption In Nigeria, FG Assures

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The National Biosafety Management Agency, NBMA, has assured human and environmental safety of consuming Genetically Modified crops and products in Nigeria.

Besides, the biosafety agency challenged the anti-genetics products to showcase their argument against GMOs with scientific proof.

The NBMA Director General, Dr. Agnes Yemisi Asagbra raised the concern at the opening of two-day sensitization workshops organized for stakeholders in Kano.

Dr. Asagbra who disclosed efforts of the agency to resist any act of compromise to agricultural and environmental safety of Nigerians insisted that Nigeria is fortified against any harmful biotechnology products.

According to her, the NBMA is leaving no stone unturned to ensure due process is followed in regulation of biotechnology practices and import of Genetically Modified Organism in the country.

Dr. Asagbra said the agency subjected the GMOs to rigorous risks assessment to ensure that they are safe and healthier more than the conventional counterpart before granting an approval to products and foods among other entrusted responsibilities.


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“NBMA is an agency brought about by the Federal government to regulate the practice of Biotechnology. There is a need for the regulation because the practice of biotechnology is not something that anybody can practice and therefore even when these professionals practice them, there could be issues of adverse effect and that is not what we want for our citizens, animal life and even our environment.

“In addition to regulation of the practice of modern biotechnology, we also regulate the import and export of GMOs, Genetically Modified Products. We are working hand in hand with Customs, NAFDAC among others to ensure that some of these GM foods, products or seeds do not just come into the country.

“We now have some people who are anti-modern biotechnology, who are not seeing the good of science and bring up so many funny propositions which are not science based. We carry out risk assessment that are science based and we use the expertise of professors, scientists from our research institutes and universities to sit down, analyze and to see that what is being presented in those dossier of those who wants permit are actually capable, experienced and they know what they are doing.

Earlier, the President, Nigerian Biotechnology and Biosafety Consortium (Consortium of experts), Prof. Celestian Aguoru insisted that Nigeria requires genetically modified seeds to address food security.

Apart from genetic technological intervention in agriculture, Professor Aguoru, disclosed the significant roles of GMO in health care system and environmental practice in Nigeria which the anti failed to challenged.

He however worried that the practice of biotechnology has become an all comer affairs where people of unknown professional background spread fears against products scientifically engineered.

Professor Aguoru who allied the fears being instilled on consumption of genetic recombined products, reminded that all scientific discovery have always being in existence with man until it discovered.

The stakeholders tasked the media to ensure public education and awareness on the significance of GMO’s and its safety for consumption. They reminded practitioners against deliberate attempt by some elements to misinformation and mislead the public against the benefits of biotechnology products.

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