Kano, the Largest North’s Retail Trading Centre – Abdullahi Ibrahim K/Nassarawa

Hotoro Kano Bridge

Hotoro Bridge in Kano

Kano was known as industrially based State which immensely contributed in making Nigeria among the world’s largest groundnuts, Hides and Skins producers in 1960s to ‘70s. But, was later transformed into North’s largest Retail Trading Centre with uncountable number of retail shops, plazas and large number of Oil and Gas filling stations.

In Kano, Industries buildings have now changed to just ordinary warehouses in which foreign goods produced and goods produced in Southern part of Nigeria are stored for retail trading.

It is astonishing that, our bourgeoisies, elites and political class in the State seem to be sleepy and torpid, only few among them are industrialists and interested in material production and in investing in productive activities. Majority of them that make money they squander it on the importation of luxury goods like flashy cars, very expensive clothes, private jet aircrafts and building personal Manson.

Our business tycoons are nowadays only interested in waylaying of capital motion, fronting and middle manning for transnational corporations, forwarding and back warding of commodities already produced in Asia, America and Europe.

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The problems are actually beyond Kano, my State and my City. Because, our Northern business tycoons, elites and political class are yet to realized the danger and prepare for the soon coming up bill to revert to parliamentary system of government with each region having economic liberty concerning minerals and natural resources located in its area.

I however guess, the ongoing action of the Tinubu’s administration of transfer back to Lagos some Federal Ministries, Agencies, Boards and others replicates the beginning of the actualization of the West (Yoruba Agenda) which should be more than enough to make not only my State, but, the entire North awake from same long sleepy, torpid and lethargy attitude so as to regain our focus and direction.

Therefore, there is greater need for our State and the entire North to as a matter of urgency revert to pro-industry, pro-export, pro-business and explore more economic potentialities as well as exploit those already in place.

Comrade Abdullahi Ibrahim K/Nassarawa.

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