Senate Plenary Interrupted by Boisterous Session: Senators Clash Over Seating Arrangement TV


The return of the Senate to plenary on Tuesday was marked by a tumultuous scene as senators jostled for their seats in a heated confrontation.

At around 11 a.m., as the plenary commenced and Senate President Godswill Akpabio initiated proceedings with announcements, tensions quickly escalated.

Akpabio began by acknowledging lawmakers who had celebrated birthdays during the break, but the atmosphere turned tense when Senator Sahabi Yau (APC, Zamfara North) engaged in a heated exchange with Senate leader Opeyemi Bamidele (APC, Ekiti Central), with pointed fingers and raised voices.

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The situation intensified as Senator Danjuma Goje (APC, Gombe Central) joined Yau in shouting at Bamidele and Sunday Karimi (APC, Kogi West), the chairman of Senate Services responsible for seating arrangements.

The altercation stemmed from discontent over seating arrangements in the newly renovated chamber, particularly among senior senators relegated to seats in the front row on the last right side of the aisle.

Despite attempts by the Senate President to restore order and encourage cooperation, the rowdy session persisted for approximately 20 minutes, with senators engaged in heated exchanges.

Following Akpabio’s welcome-back speech, the Senate leader motioned for the assembly to convene a closed-door session, which was subsequently resolved into an executive session at approximately 12:05 p.m.

The Senate had initially adjourned plenary till April 16, following renovations to the chamber, which had been ongoing since 2022. However, resumption was postponed twice to accommodate the completion of the renovations.



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