The human social system between the Haves and the Have-Nots

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Written by Abu Jabir Abdullah Penabdul

Amongst humans there are those that were poor and had a humble background but then Allah enriched them from His resources. However, they are quick to forget the Favors of Allah upon them by treating the poor disrespectfully while denying the fact that they too were once poor.

There are still amongst people those that Allah has privileged with a wealthy background but then thought it was there genius that gave them that privilege. Thus, they looked down on those that were below them in social class.

Yet, there are those that Allah privileged with wealth after having experienced a humble upbringing but still remain inside their humble shell. They are forever acknowledging the Favor of Allah upon them and never forget nor denigrate those that are below them in social hierarchy.

Also, there are those that were nurtured with a silver spoon but never looked down on those that were below them. Nay, they love being around the poor and do not seek to exert themselves on them. They are humble despite riches.

Never in your lifetime think yourself above others because of your social status such that they become aware that you are making fun or even disrespecting them because of their social background. They never forget.

When you make fun of people because you are privileged socially in terms of family background, wealth or race, then it is most probable that you will be demoted to or even lower than their level and they be elevated to or above your level.

As for those who recognize the Favor of Allah on them and remain consistently humble, will bless them and increase them in whatever He has bestowed on them.

Wealth expires and so also do poverty. But for some, the two remain only the quality of inner peace that changes. A wealthy man with peace of mind because of his humility and a wealthy man with inner crisis because of ungrateful demeanor. Likewise, a poor man.

One of the things reported by some scholars (not sure of the authenticity) was that Prophet Sulaiman despite his prophethood, kingdom and wealth used to spend time with the poor on daily basis. The blessings remained.

Fir’aun (Pharaoh) looked down on the children of Israel and at the end, he made a declaration that affirmed his willingness to follow their footsteps. “I believe that none has the right to be worshipped but He (Allah).” In whom the Children of Israel believe..” Qur’an 10:90

That is why history is full of lessons of those who once exerted themselves on the face of the earth and looked down on others coming back to seek for assistance from same people they looked down on.

Be humble and recognize the Favors of Allah and never attribute them to yourself or your family such that you become disrespectful towards those that are not as privileged as you are.

Life is full of dynamics today you are the boss the next day you are bossed around.

The days of the world keep fluctuating. Today you are the giver, tomorrow you are the receiver. Be humble.

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