Insecurity, Hardship for a Short Period – Tinubu

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President Bola Tinubu has urged Nigerians to continue to pray for the country without ceasing, adding that the insecurity situation and hardship being experienced is for a short period of time.

Tinubu said this on Sunday, February 18, at the opening Session of the 2024 First Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Resource Centre, Durumi, Abuja.

He told the bishops that the country is relying on their unwavering encouragement of the Nigerian populace.

The president said the Church’s engagement with Nigerians on matters of faith enriches the government’s responsiveness and strengthens the national fabric.

Tinubu, who was represented by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator Goerge Akume said: “The season of Lent is an apt time to host this critical meeting as it is a period of profound reflection, prayer, fasting, and charitable giving which coincides with a challenging period of economic hardship in our nation which we are working to reverse as mentioned above While bold economic reforms have been undertaken by this administration, resulting in short-term hardships, they are borne out of a deep-seated commitment to Nigeria’s long- term prosperity and stability.

“This administration inherited a daunting economic landscape, necessitating decisive action to alter our nation’s downward trajectory. With unwavering dedication, we are striving towards a prosperous, healthy, and globally competitive Nigeria. Given the critical situation, now more than ever before we must remain steadfast, renewing our faith in God’s provision and protection.

“Amidst adversity, we must remain resolute, renewing our faith in God’s providence and walking in love as we support one another. This administration is steadfast in its resolve to enhance security, bolster the economy, and create opportunities for all Nigerians. We acknowledge the various hardships affecting nations across the world precipitated and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the escalating cost of living crisis. However, we draw strength from our collective hope and diligent efforts of government-private sector, religious organizations and others, trusting that through God’s grace, better days lie ahead

“As spiritual leaders, My Lord Bishops, we rely on your unwavering encouragement to the Nigerian populace your commitment to upholding integrity, offering sound counsel, and fostering constructive dialogue is deeply appreciated by the government. The Church’s engagement with Nigerians on matters of faith enriches our responsiveness and strengthens our national fabric.

“Both church and government are aligned in our shared commitment of a brighter future for all Nigerians. Through strategic policies, well-thought-out initiatives, and investments, the Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration aims to drive economic transformation, ensure security, enhance food production, harness natural resources, develop critical infrastructure, improve social services, foster economic diversification, and enhance governance efficiency. These efforts are geared towards building a prosperous, secure, and inclusive Nigeria for all.

“Although the economic hardship and security challenges may seem daunting, let us continue to encourage one another in the Lord and pray without ceasing. Likewise, let us remember Galatians 6:9 which reminds us “not to become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

President of the CBCN, Most Rev. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji said the reform agenda of the present administration has added to the plight of the citizens.

He said with the end of the fuel subsidy regime and the unification of the foreign exchange market, there has been a significant increase in the pump price of petroleum products and a steep decline in the value of the naira.

The Bishop said high-spiraling inflation has made it difficult for the average Nigerian to access basic commodities, including food items and medication

He said: “The reform agenda of the present government has added to the plight of Nigerians. With the withdrawal of fuel subsidies and the unification of the foreign exchange market, there has been a sharp increase in the pump price of petroleum products and a steep decline in the value of the naira. Indeed, there is a free fall in the national currency.

“As a result of the government’s reform agenda, millions of Nigerians have been reduced to a life of grinding poverty, wanton suffering, and untold hardship as never before in our national history.

“In a bid to survive, an increasing number of the poor have resorted to begging. With more than 80 million Nigerians living below the poverty line of less than two dollars a day, our country, according to the recent disclosure of the World Bank, is the world’s second-largest poor population after India.

“While many impoverished Nigerians continue to suffer and die as a result of the hardship caused by the government’s economic reforms, the president has continued to urge the populace to make even more and more sacrifices with the assurance that brighter days lay ahead.”

The CBCN president said as the government demands additional sacrifice from the struggling masses, Nigerians are expecting to see a drastic cut in the cost of running the government at all levels.

He said: “On the contrary, it is worrisome to watch top government functionaries live by the sweat, toil, and tears of the poor. They continue to spend huge public funds on ostentatious and luxurious lifestyles and seem incapable of feeling compassion for the outcry of the poor.

“It is no less worrisome to note that corruption among many public servants has gone beyond scale and measure. Corruption is a complex reality involving moral rottenness, defilement, and loss of integrity.”

On insecurity, the bishop said that despite the huge sums of money appropriated monthly as security votes, communities have continued to experience persistent insecurity.

He said recently that there has been an upsurge in kidnapping for ransom and increasing incidents of senseless bloodshed across the nation.

The CAN President said: “Unarmed citizens are brutally slaughtered on our highways, in their homes, and even in the sacred precincts of places of worship. Killer herdsmen, bandits, and unknown gunmen seem to be on the rampage.

“Many communities across the nation have been taken over completely by criminals. Families have lost their ancestral lands to armed invaders and land-grabbers. The social and economic lives of communities have been paralyzed due to insecurity.

“Schools have been shut down, and children can no longer continue their education. Farmers are unable to access their farms out of fear of either losing their lives or being kidnapped,” he noted.

The President of Christian Association Nigeria (CAN), Archbishop Daniel Okoh, said in his remarks that the theme of the Plenary, ‘Synod on Synodality: Areas of Concern for the Church in Nigeria’, is quite unique and interesting for those who follow the conversations in the Catholic Church for the purpose of learning and growth.

He said that, as leaders of the church, they acknowledge the multifaceted challenges faced by churches on a daily basis.

“From a deliberate attempt to edge out Christianity in certain parts of the country through denial of Right of Occupancy for churches that want to erect their worship places to targeted serial attacks, arson and kidnapping of clergymen for ransom that have now become a daily occurrence

“The high level of insecurity, runaway inflation, and hunger are areas of serious concern as well. I am confident that the state of our nation will be exhaustively discussed with sincerity and humility at the plenary as usual.

“It is my hope that you will be guided by the Holy Spirit to come up with ideas that will truly make a positive difference in our nation and that God will make those in governance listen to the prophetic voice of the church.”

Also the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Dr. Olayemi Cardoso, blamed the high inflation rate in the country on so much liquidity in the market.

He argued that, in spite of all the difficulties, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and the effort by the federal government to remove the subsidy on fuel will contribute towards a more positive outcome.

Cardoso noted that, as a result of some of the recent reports from the CBN, over the course of the last week, about $1.8 billion came into the markets, adding that as long as the country can sustain a positive trajectory, Nigeria will get out of its economic woes and the foreign exchange market will begin to moderate itself.

The CBN governor observed that in another week, the CBN will have the Monetary Policy Committee meeting, where very critical decisions will be made to continue making the economy more investor-friendly.

Cardoso pointed out that an attempt to merge the outside rates with the official rates and the black-market rate has been made, adding that the difference between the two is now significantly lower.

He stated that there is a positive outlook on that, adding that the positive outlook comes from the fact that a series of reforms have been made by the federal government and the central bank, which are now paying off in such a way that international investors are coming back in again.

Also present at the plenary were the former governor of Anambra State and Presidential candidate of the Labour Party in last year’s presidential election, Peter Obi and the Governor of Imo State, Hope Uzodinma


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